Innovation and Social Responsibility in Our First Digital Sustainability Report


Being a socially responsible corporation reflects our effort and conviction behind a robust and ethical management model. For us, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is expressed through the concept of “shared value”. This approach focuses on growth and common benefit, ensuring that as we grow and consolidate our position in national and international markets, our contribution to society and the planet also increases.

A Signature Event: The Piano Bar

Last June 5, we presented our first digital sustainability report during the event “The Piano Bar”, organized by Chubb Seguros, a pioneer in responsible business practices. Esta memoria se alinea con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) establecidos en la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas, demostrando nuestro compromiso con la sostenibilidad global.

Digital Innovation with Artificial Intelligence

We stand out for our innovative approach, leveraging exponential technologies. The digital sustainability report was designed using artificial intelligence (AI) and presented in KUBE, an interactive digital cube. This interactive tour is guided by an avatar that explains and showcases the milestones, initiatives, and sustainability projects we are developing.

Economic Results and Sustainability: A Winning Combination

Our economic results demonstrate that technology, sustainability, and profitability can go hand in hand, creating significant value. Ernesto Kruger, our CEO, stated: “We have assembled the key components to present the first digital sustainability report. This is not our first step, but rather the result of successes, mistakes, and lessons learned with passion over these 30 years, developing innovative business models with infinite digital technology.”

Contributions to Multiple Sectors

Currently, we contribute to the transformation of various industries, including businesses, startups, telecommunications, legal processes, communication, education, employability, sports, mobility, energy, investments, and sustainability. The sustainability report reflects our purpose based on the 3Ps: Profit, People, and Planet, implementing innovative practices to continue transforming and improving lives. Our digital report is aligned with the parameters of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth in the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. This commitment not only reflects our corporate responsibility but also our dedication to positively contributing to global well-being.


Our first digital sustainability report is a model for other organizations looking to integrate sustainability into their DNA. Through technological innovation and a genuine commitment to shared value, we are demonstrating that it is possible to grow profitably and sustainably, benefiting both society and the planet.

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